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Equipment of Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)

institutions: this unit(0), daughter units(104),


104 results


NovaSeq 6000 Sequencer

Manufacturer: Illumina Germany GmbH
Model: NovaSeq 6000
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

Large scale NGS short read sequencings system.


Wide-Field Microscope (L2 - Long Term Timelapse II)

Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: Axiovert 200M
Facility: Light Microscopy


Bionano Saphyr

Manufacturer: Bionano Genomics
Model: Saphyr
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

Technology for optical mapping (long genomic DNA labelled at specific sites is analyzed). It is used for: improvement of high quality genome assemblies, structural variant detection.


Agilent Femto pulse

Manufacturer: Agilent
Model: Femto pulse
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

Capillary device for pulse eld Gel electrophoresis of large DNA fragments and molecules.


PacBio SEQUEL SMRT long read sequencing system

Manufacturer: Pacific Biosciences
Model: Sequel
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

Long-read single molecule DNA sequencer.


10x Chromium Controller

Manufacturer: 10x Genomics
Model: Chromium Controller
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

The Chromium controller allows barcoded amplification of genomic DNA in the course of whole genome sequencing experiments as well as reverse transcription and cDNA amplification from single cells.


PacBio SEQUEL SMRT long read sequencing systems

Manufacturer: Pacific Biosciences
Model: Sequel
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

Single-molecule, real-time (SMRT) long read sequencing machine


Agilent 2200 Tape Station System

Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies
Model: 2200 Tape Station
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

Automated electrophoresis system for characterisation and quality control of DNA and RNA samples.


Blue Pippin Preparative Electrophoresis Platform

Manufacturer: Sage Science
Model: Blue Pippin
Facility: DRESDEN-concept Genome Center

Preparative electrophoresis platform that separates and extracts DNA from agarose.


Zeiss CD7

Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: CellDiscoverer 7
Facility: Technology Development Studio

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