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Institute of Construction Informatics

Parent Units:
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
German name: "Institut für Bauinformatik".


web: https://tu-dresden.de/bu/bauingenieurwesen/die_fakultaet/institute-und-professuren/bu/bauingenieurwesen/cib
email: e-mail
phone: +49 (0)351 463-32966
fax: +49 (0)351 463-33975
postal address: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Institute of Construction Informatics, 01062 Dresden, Germany
office address: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Institute of Construction Informatics, Nürnberger Str. 31a (Bürogebäude Nürnberger Ei, R204), 01187 Dresden, Germany
partner: Technische Universität Dresden


The main research topics are: Building Information Modeling, the modeling of (building, construction site, and project), information logistics, distributed systems, and conceptual modeling methods. The institute coordinates several EU projects and BMBF joint research projects, among others the current BMBF project “Mefisto”. The continuous cooperation with the industry, and accordingly, the dissemination of the research results are documented through the active involvement in standards bodies and work groups from industry and research associations. The institute has a leading position in the DIN, ISO, IAI, EAPPM bodies, as well as, in several international journals that support the transfer of knowledge and the standardization.


Parent Units

name type actions
Faculty of Civil Engineering (BIW) Faculty view

Daughter Units

name type instruments services
Chair of Informatics in Civil Engineering Professorship

Last Update

Last updated at: 2016-06-22 08:51