
Ihr Zugang zu Forschungsinfrastruktur und Know-how

Geräte — Zentrale Einrichtungen

Technische Universität Dresden

343 Ergebnisse


Rasterelektronenmikroskop (FIB/ SEM)

Hersteller: FEI (now Thermo Fisher)
Modell: Helios Nanolab 660
Einrichtung: Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis

The FEI Helios 660 is a state-of-the-art FIB/SEM tool with an electron image resolution of 0.9nm between 1kV and 30kV and a resolution of 1.5nm between 350V and 1kV with numerous in-situ addons.


Submikrometer Röntgentomograph (XRM, XCT)

Hersteller: Zeiss/ Xradia
Modell: Versa 520
Einrichtung: Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis

The Versa 520 is a state-of-the-art sub-micron X-ray tomograph with an ultimate spatial resolution of 700nm. It non-destructively creates full 3D images of samples and their interiors.


UPLC System

Hersteller: Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
Modell: Dionex3000 Ultimate Nanoflow
Einrichtung: Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik

Nanoflow UPLC System for Quantitative Proteomics and protein/peptide analysis commonly equipped with 75µm i.d. C18 reversed phase columns (with trap column).


HPLC System

Hersteller: Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
Modell: Dionex3000 Ultimate Nanoflow
Einrichtung: Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik

Nanoflow HPLC System for Quantitative Proteomics and protein/peptide analysis commonly equipped with 75µm i.d. C18 reversed phase columns (with trap column).


UPLC System

Hersteller: Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
Modell: Dionex3000 Ultimate Microflow
Einrichtung: Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik

Microflow UPLC System for commonly equipped with C18/C8/C4 reversed phase columns.


impact HD QTOF Massenspektrometer

Hersteller: Bruker GmbH
Modell: Impact HD QTOF
Einrichtung: Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik

High resolution hybrid quadrupole - time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer (R(max): 40,000 at m/z 1522) with MS/MS option by quadrupole CID with high resolution detection.


Eksigent 425 UPLC

Hersteller: AB Sciex LLC
Modell: Eksigent 425 UPLC
Einrichtung: Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik

UPLC für Nano-Flow and Microflow


LTQ-Orbitrap XL ETD Massenspektrometer

Hersteller: Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
Modell: LTQ-Orbitrap XL ETD
Einrichtung: Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik

High resolution hybrid mass spectrometer (R(max): 120,000 at m/z 400) with the following MS/MS options: CID with detection in iontrap (low res., MSn capability) or orbitrap (high res.),...


Q-Exactive HF Massenspektrometer

Hersteller: ThermoFisherScientific GmbH
Modell: Q-Exactive HF
Einrichtung: Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik

Q-Exactive HF Hochauflösendes Hybrid Quadrupole - Orbitrap Mssenspektrometer


Massenzytometer zur Analyse von Einzelzellen in Suspension

Hersteller: Fluidigm Corp.
Modell: CyTOF2
Einrichtung: Massenzytometrie

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