
Ihr Zugang zu Forschungsinfrastruktur und Know-how

Professur für Festkörperelektronik (FKE)

übergeordnete Einrichtungen:
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)


Web: https://tu-dresden.de/ing/elektrotechnik/ife/forschung/forschungsfelder
Telefon: +49 (0)351 463-32077
Fax: +49 (0)351 463-32320
Postanschrift: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Professur für Festkörperelektronik (FKE), 01062 Dresden, Germany
Besucheradresse: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Professur für Festkörperelektronik (FKE), Mommsenstraße 15 (Günther-Landgraf-Bau 7-E01B), 01069 Dresden, Germany
Partner: Technische Universität Dresden


Our main research topics

Infrared detectors and infrared measurement technology •    Sensor simulation and design
•    Fabrication of pyroelectric thin films
•    Sensor technology and material characterization
•    Measurement technology for IR single- and multi-element detectors
•    Sensor applications in radiation pyrometry, thermal imaging, gas analysis and textile chemistry
•    Infrared emitters and measurement technology
•    Radiation-absorbing layers
Piezoresistive sensors •    Sensor simulation and sensor design
•    Fabrication and characterization of pH-value-, solvent- and glucose-sensitive hydrogel films
•    Measurement technology
•    Application to measurement of humidity, pH-value, solvent and glucose concentration as well as for protein detection
•    Powerless sensor switches (BIZEPS – Bistable Zero-Power Sensors)
Sensoric Polymers •    Polymer composites comprising electrically conducting particles for temperature sensors and strain gauges
•    Hydrogels with pH-, temperature-, ion- and concentration-dependent swelling behavior
•    Imprint and replica plating
Ultrasound Technology •    Simulation of sound fields with complex geometry
•    Transducer optimization
•    Development of ultrasound measurement techniques using information from the sound field (non-scanning curvature measurement, simultaneous measurements of velocity and distance, enhancement of resolution)
•    Array technology
Modeling and simulation •    Component and system models
•    Network modeling, finite element and finite network modeling
•    Coupled simulation
•    Application to sensorics
Large-area deposition of nanocomposites with defined properties •    Fabrication of nanoparticles by means of gas phase condensation in modified vacuum equipment
•    Investigation of hollow cathode technology (gas flow sputtering) for fabrication of nanoparticles by means of gas phase condensation
•    Embedding of nanoparticles into thin films by combination of gas phase condensation with other deposition techniques: RF-PECVD (13.56 and 60 MHz), reactive magnetron sputtering
•    Nanoparticle materials consisting of metals, alloys and their reactive compounds in matrix materials of inorganic compounds (oxides, nitrides) or functional polymer coatings
•    Applications: Optical absorbers, antibacterial coatings of filtration membranes, electrically conducting percolation networks of nanoparticles for sensoric coatings



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Institut für Festkörperelektronik (IFE) Institut anzeigen

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Letztes Update am: 17.10.2016 07:53 CEST