
Ihr Zugang zu Forschungsinfrastruktur und Know-how

Professur für BioNano Werkzeuge "Molecular Transport in Cell Biology and Genetics" (Diez Group)

übergeordnete Einrichtungen:
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)


Web: http://www.bcube-dresden.de/research-groups/diez/home/
E-Mail: e-mail
Telefon: +49 (351) 463-43010
Adresse: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Professur für BioNano Werkzeuge "Molecular Transport in Cell Biology and Genetics" (Diez Group), Arnoldstr. 18, 01307 Dresden, Germany
Partner: Technische Universität Dresden


Our lab is interested in the development and the application of novel optical techniques to investigate molecular transport in cell biology and nanotechnology. Building on our experience in single molecule biophysics and in the in vitro reconstruction of subcellular mechano-systems we study cooperative effects in motor transport and cell motility. Moreover we aim to apply biomolecular motor systems in a synthetic, engineered environment for the generation and manipulation of nanostructures. Thereby, our main emphasis is on the development of methods to control the nano-transport sytems by external signals in a spatio-temporal manner. Towards this end we investigate novel biotemplate-based nanostructuring techniques and fabricate smart composite surfaces, where active enzymes are embedded in stimuli-responsive polymer layers.


  • Optical Technology Development
    We develop novel optical techniques to investigate molecular transport processes in cell biology and nanotechnology. Focus: Single-molecule imaging with 3D nm-precision.

  • Biophysics of Single Motor Proteins
    We study various kinesin motors during transport along microtubules and depolymerisation of microtubules. Focus: Protofilament switching and motor behaviour at obstacles.

  • Collective Effects in Motor Systems
    We reconstitute subcellular mechano-systems to study cooperative effects in motor activity. Focus: Bidirectional transport, membrane-anchored motors and filament crosslinking.

  • Nanotechnological Motor Applications
    We apply biomolecular motors in engineered environments towards the generation, manipulation and detection of nano structures.  Focus: External motility control and molecular diagnostics.


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Letztes Update

Letztes Update am: 23.08.2019 10:00