
Ihr Zugang zu Forschungsinfrastruktur und Know-how

Bereich Oberbau und Gleistechnik (Oberbauausstellung) (OBA) (Abteilung)

übergeordnete Einrichtungen:
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)


Web: http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/vkw/ibv/iel/OBA/index_html
Telefon: +49 (0) 351 463-36544
Fax: +49 (0) 351 463-36550
Postanschrift: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Bereich Oberbau und Gleistechnik (Oberbauausstellung) (OBA), 01062 Dresden, Germany
Besucheradresse: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Bereich Oberbau und Gleistechnik (Oberbauausstellung) (OBA), Hettnerstraße 2 (Gerhart-Potthoff-Bau, Room 351b), 01069 Dresden, Germany
Partner: Technische Universität Dresden


Scientific Placement:

Geometric and constructive design of track superstructure and calculation of its rigidity and stability regarding static and dynamic stresses,  maintenance of track and turnout constructions as well as interactions between rails and railcars.

Stresses in Subject Area:

  • Static and dynamic experiments on track and turnout constructions as well as on specific construction elements of tracks
  • Measurement, analysis and evaluation of the dynamic behaviour in the rail-wheel contact and recording of influencing variables
  • Diagnosis of tracks by recording all influencing variables as well as processing and evaluating information on the track and turnout geometry as precondition for the maintenance of superstructure
  • Research on the reliability of permanent way constructions, on deterioration processes and parameters as well as on abrasion and durability of construction materials (i.e. permanent way constructions with less maintenance demands)


übergeordnete Einrichtungen

Integriertes Eisenbahnlabor (IEL) Labor anzeigen
Labor Bahnbau Labor anzeigen

Letztes Update

Letztes Update am: 29.10.2018 12:00