
Ihr Zugang zu Forschungsinfrastruktur und Know-how

Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB) (Zentrum)

übergeordnete Einrichtungen:
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)


Web: https://tu-dresden.de/cmcb
Telefon: +49 (0)351 463-40050
Postanschrift: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB), 01062 Dresden, Germany
Besucheradresse: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB), Tatzberg 41, 01307 Dresden
Partner: Technische Universität Dresden


Das CMCB konzentriert sich als Zentrale Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der TU Dresden auf interdisziplinäre Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften. Es vereint unter seinem Dach die Institute B CUBE, BIOTEC und CRTD und ist sowohl mit den Fakultäten der TU Dresden als auch mit externen Forschungsinstituten eng vernetzt. Ziel des CMCB ist es, Synergien zwischen diesen Einrichtungen zu schaffen, um die international ausgerichtete Spitzenforschung und das innovative Lehrprogramm weiter zu stärken. Dem Campus der TU Dresden sowie den Partnern der Allianz DRESDEN-concept werden modernste Forschungseinrichtungen und -technologien zur Verfügung gestellt. Neue Erkenntnisse werden hier für eine mögliche kommerzielle Nutzung weiterentwickelt. Die CMCB-Forschungsgruppen werden durch zentrale Serviceeinheiten unterstützt, die auch als Schnittstelle zur zentralen Verwaltung der TU Dresden fungieren.


Die Technologieplattform setzt sich aus sogenannten core facilities zusammen, die den Nutzern Zugang zu modernen und hoch spezialisierten Geräten ermöglichen sowie Serviceleistungen anbieten, die auf der Expertise der CMCB Forschungsgruppen beruhen und intensive Einarbeitungszeiten und/oder größere Investitionen erfordern.

Die aus der Nutzung der core facilities resultierenden Vorteile sind nicht nur den Wissenschaftlern des CMCB, sondern allen lebenswissenschaftlich arbeitenden Wissenschaftlern der TU Dresden, kooperierender Einrichtungen sowie Biotechnologieunternehmen zugänglich.



The Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB) focuses on interdisciplinary research and teaching in the life sciences. As a central unit of TU Dresden, the CMCB combines the interdisciplinary institutes B CUBE, BIOTEC and CRTD, and has close links to multiple schools and faculties at TU Dresden. The CMCB aims at creating synergies among intra- and extramural institutes in Dresden to provide an internationally oriented academic environment with cutting-edge research and innovative teaching programs at all levels. State-of-the-art technologies are made available to the TU Dresden campus as well as to DRESDEN-concept partners via a wide range of high-end core facilities, and innovative discoveries will be developed further towards commercial applications. Administrative support is provided to all CMCB research groups by centralized service units, which act as interfaces to the central administration of TU Dresden.


The technology platform has several core facilities that provide access to state-of-the-art research equipment and offer specialized services based on the expertise of the CMCB research groups. This service requires intensive training of staff and major investment into maintenance and replacement of equipment.

The advantages resulting from the use of core facilities are not only available for researchers of the CMCB, but are open to all scientists at the Technische Universität Dresden, cooperating institutions, and biotechnology companies.


There are two levels of Facilities within the CMCB  - the Core Facilities of the CMCB Technology Platform (jointly run by B CUBE, BIOTEC and CRTD -  for further information click here.) and Facilities run by individual institutes (see below).


Core Facilities of the CMCB Technology Platform

Advanced Imaging

Advanced Imaging

The Advanced Imaging Facilities of CMCB provide access to, and expert training on highly specialized devices within the light microscopy and electron microscopy facilities. Furthermore the molecular imaging and manipulation facility as well as the histology facility complement the offered services. [details]

Biomolecular Synthesis

Biomolecular Synthesis

The Biomolecular Synthesis Facility provides high quality peptides services ranging from biomolecular synthesis and modifications to high throughput peptide array synthesis (SPOT method) for libraries. The SPOT synthesis is a unique method to generate large numbers of different peptides on cellulose membranes for use in arrays or screening libraries. [details]

Deep Sequencing

Deep Sequencing

The Deep Sequencing Facility offers high quality services for a diversity of Next Generation Sequencing based applications. These include RNA sequencing, especially from ultra-low input down to single cell sequencing, genomic re-sequencing, ChIP sequencing and targeted re-sequencing. Workflows from native samples to final data sets are established both on short read Illumina- and long read PacBio sequencing systems. [details]

Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Facility offers access to state-of-the-art devices as well as services such as multi-color analysis, cell sorting, flow cytometry training and support in designing and analysis of experiments. [details]



The Microstructure Facility provides cutting edge technologies for micro-structuring of organic/inorganic materials, offering full set of skills and capabilities within photolithography, soft lithography, polymer microstructuring, thin film deposition and microfluidics. It focuses on developing collaborations with researchers, supporting research projects for the optimization of specific microfabrication steps or complete processes and devices. [details]

Molecular Analysis/Mass Spectrometry

Molecular Analysis/Mass Spectrometry

The Molecular Analysis Facility provides services and equipment to analyze the formation rate and strength of biomolecular interactions as well as services for the identification and structural analysis of biomolecules by mass spectrometry, including sequence analysis of peptides. [details]

Stem Cell Engineering

Stem Cell Engineering

The Stem Cell Engineering Facility provides iPS cell and isogenic iPS/ES cell lines generation, pluripotency characterization, and engineering (gene correction, reporters, knock in/outs) services to the scientific community. [details]


CRTD Facilities

In addition to the CMCB Core Facilities there are Facilities, which are run by CRTD and support as well as represent the research activities of independent research groups in advanced technological fields, providing know-how to other users on a collaborative basis. The main aim here is to focus on further improving access to specific instrumentation and know-how - explicitly in regard to the CRTD strategy to support basic research and enhance clinical application.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

GMP compiles guidelines required in order to ensure high standards and reproducibility for the production of drugs. These guidelines provide minimum requirements that a pharmaceutical manufacturer must meet to assure that the products are of high quality and do not pose any risk to the consumer or public. GMP is a substantial prerequisite for a successful translation of basic research into clinical applications, like cellular therapies [details]

In Vivo Testing

In Vivo Testing

The In Vivo Testing Facility (ITF) offers screening-based services to assist researchers in developing high-throughput screening assays, in particular using zebrafish embryos. The Vertebrate Automated Screening Technology (VAST) is installed, which handles zebrafish embryos (2-5dpf) automatically for high-throughput imaging. The VAST is combined with high-speed and super-resolution Zeiss Cell Observer Spinning Disk Confocal System. [details]

Mass cytometry (CyTOF)

Mass cytometry (CyTOF)

The mass cytometry facility provides customized solutions for complex single cell profiling using CyTOF-technology to detect up to 45 biomarkers simultaneously, making it an ideal discovery tool for protein expression. The Facility offers assistance or whole workflow– from experimental design, panel testing and sample processing to complex data analysis. [details]



Geräte anzeigen (93)


Dienstleistungen anzeigen (24)


übergeordnete Einrichtungen

Zentrale Einrichtungen Abteilung anzeigen

untergeordnete Einrichtungen

Advanced Imaging Einrichtung (33) (4)
Biomolecular Synthesis Einrichtung (5) (2)
Biotechnologisches Zentrum der TU Dresden (Biotec) Zentrum (67) (12)
CRTD - Zentrum für Regenerative Therapien TU Dresden (CRTD) Zentrum (70) (9)
DRESDEN-concept Genome Center (DcGC) Einrichtung (9) (6)
Elektro­physiologie Facility (EcrtD) Einrichtung (13)
Flow Cytometry Einrichtung (14) (1)
Massenspektrometrie & Proteomik Einrichtung (7)
Microstructure Facility (MSF) Einrichtung (11) (2)
Stem Cell Engineering Einrichtung (3)
ZIK B CUBE Zentrum (17) (2)

Letztes Update

Letztes Update am: 08.04.2024 13:19 CEST