
Ihr Zugang zu Forschungsinfrastruktur und Know-how

Juniorprofessur Software Engineering Ubiquitärer Systeme (SEUS)

übergeordnete Einrichtungen:
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)


Web: http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_informatik/smt/seus
E-Mail: e-mail
Telefon: +49 (0)351 463-38303
Fax: +49 (0)351 463-38518
Postanschrift: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Juniorprofessur Software Engineering Ubiquitärer Systeme (SEUS), 01062 Dresden, Germany
Besucheradresse: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Juniorprofessur Software Engineering Ubiquitärer Systeme (SEUS), Nöthnitzer Str. 46 (Room 2067, 2nd floor), 01187 Dresden, Germany
Partner: Technische Universität Dresden


This professorship lies at the intersection of ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction, and software engineering. Research includes the application of software engineering methods to ubiquitous systems as well as the integration of new technology trends and interaction techniques in the domain of ubiquitous systems.

In the field of research we focus on software engineering of ubiquitous systems and mobile devices as well as associated forms of interaction and interaction techniques for this type of environment.


Main Research

  • ubiquitous systems and mobile devices
  • forms of interaction and interaction techniques for ubiquitous environments
  • cyber-physical systems (CPS)
  • semantic models
  • context-based and adaptive systems
  • software engineering and software-architectures


übergeordnete Einrichtungen

Name Typ Aktionen
Institut für Software- und Multimediatechnik (SMT) Institut anzeigen

Letztes Update

Letztes Update am: 27.01.2016 10:30 CET