Gerätezentrum Umweltanalytik (CFEA)
übergeordnete Einrichtungen:Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

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Telefon: | +49 351 463-31391 | |
Postanschrift: | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Gerätezentrum Umweltanalytik (CFEA), 01062 Dresden, Germany | |
Besucheradresse: | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Gerätezentrum Umweltanalytik (CFEA) | |
Partner: | Technische Universität Dresden |
Die Core Facility Environmental Analytics (CFEA) ist die Technologieplattform der Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften an der TU Dresden. In der CFEA vereinigen sich die analytische und die wissenschaftliche Expertise der Umweltforschung aus den Bereichen Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaften. Die CFEA bietet einen einfachen Zugang zu moderner und innovativer Analysetechnik für universitätsinterne und externe Nutzende.
Wir ermöglichen den Zugriff auf mehr als 100 wissenschaftliche Geräte und Serviceleistungen im Bereich der Umweltforschung. Unsere analytischen Leistungen und Services umfassen u.a.:
- Umweltprozessforschung mittels Analytik stabiler Isotope
- Identifizierung molekularer Strukturen
- Spurenanalytik in allen Umweltkompartimenten
- Erforschung von Mikro- und Nanostrukturen mittels Elektronenmikroskopie (ESEM)
- Zahlreiche chemische und physikalische Umweltanalysen
- Vielfältige Probenaufbereitungsverfahren
- Beratung und Unterstützung bei der analytischen Planung von Forschungsprojekten und Abschlussarbeiten
- Weiterbildungsangebote zur Qualitätssicherung
The Core Facility Environmental Analytics (CFEA) is the technology platform for the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at TU Dresden, bringing together the analytical and scientific expertise of environmental research across the fields of forest sciences, geosciences, and hydrosciences. With the goal of providing convenient access to modern and innovative analytical technology, the CFEA serves both internal and external users of the university.
Our facility offers access to over 100 scientific instruments and services in the field of environmental research, with a diverse range of analytical capabilities and services, including:
- Stable isotope analysis for process identification
- Identification of moleculare structures
- Mass spectrometry (LC/MS, GC/MS) for trace analytics in environmental compartments
- Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) for visualization of micro and nano structures
- Chemical analytics of plants, soil, water, waste and air (elemental analysis, spectrometry, chromatography)
- Physical analytics for soil texture, water retention, material analysis
- Wood anatomical and tree-ring analyses
- Sample prepartion methods
- Providing advice and support for analytical planning of research projects and theses
- Organizing workshops on the methods used by the CFEA
- Trainings for quality control and management
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Die Forschung an der Fakultät bedient primär die Profillinie "Energie, Mobilität und Umwelt" der TU Dresden.
Themen wie Anpassung an den Klimawandel, regenerative Energiesysteme, Umwelt-Monitoring und Geoinformationstechnologien, Forstwirtschaft, Hydrologie, Limnophysik, Risiko- und Wasserressourcenmanagement, stehen im Fokus.
The three disciplines of forest, geo and hydro sciences exist under one umbrella in the Faculty, which is unique in Germany. Research work and teaching in the Faculty focus on the sustainable development at global, regional and local scale of the human sphere of life, as well as on the monitoring of the system Earth.
Future-oriented interdisciplinary topics of the Faculty address issues from the branches documentation, modelling and risk management in the fields of environment and urban areas, which result from the actual ecological, economic and sociological tendencies such as demographic change, industrialization, environmental pollution, deforestation, climate change, lack of water, desertification and loss of biodiversity. To tackle these problems, the structure of the Faculty, staffed with scientists having engineering, scientific and sociological backgrounds, provides a valuable platform.
Faculty profile lines:
- Monitoring, modelling and visualization of the system Earth
- Integrated management of water resources including ecotechnology
- Water balance and change of physical, chemical and biological components in aquatic systems
- Forests and trees as tools for global, regional and urban risk management
- Sustainable development and value added in rural regions: resources and energy from forests
- Geo-information technologies for the generation of geo-data infrastructure
- Regional development, regional planning, and environmental management as associated with demographic change and sustainability
übergeordnete Einrichtungen
Name |
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Aktionen |
Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften | Fakultät | ![]() |
Letztes Update
Letztes Update am: 18.01.2024 11:07