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Equipment of Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)

institutions: this unit(0), daughter units(104),


104 results


FEI Titan Halo

Manufacturer: FEI
Model: FEI Titan Halo 300kV FEG Cryo-STEM & 4k Gatan K2 summit and GIF
Facility: Electron Microscopy


Tecnai T12 TEM time

Manufacturer: FEI
Model: Tenai T12
Facility: Electron Microscopy


Yokogawa CV7000

Manufacturer: Yokogawa
Model: CV7000 CellVoyager
Facility: Technology Development Studio


Typhoon 9500 Fluo Phospho Imager ROOM159

Manufacturer: GE Healthcare
Facility: Chromatography


Tecan Power Washer 384

Manufacturer: Tecan
Model: PW 384
Facility: Technology Development Studio


Perkin Elmer Envision

Manufacturer: Perkin Elmer
Facility: Technology Development Studio


Seahorse XFe 96 Analyser

Manufacturer: Seahorse Bioscience (Agilent)
Model: XFe96 Analyzer
Facility: Technology Development Studio

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