1532 results
ATRICS (Advanced Tree-Ring Image Capturing System)
Manufacturer: Slovenian Forestry Institute
Facility: Chair of Forest Growth and Woody Biomass Production
Semi-automatic capturing of sequential images (e.g. tree ring analysis)
digital microscope
Manufacturer: Keyence
Model: Keyence VHX6000
Facility: Chair of Forest Growth and Woody Biomass Production
Transmitted and reflected light microscopy application, 3D object detection
X-ray spectrometer
Manufacturer: Bruker
Model: Quantax 400
Facility: Chair of Forest Utilization
energy-dispersive spectrometry for scanning electron microscope
freezing microtome
Manufacturer: Reichardt-Jung
Model: Reichert-Jung 1206
Facility: Chair of Forest Utilization
preparation of micro slices on unstable materials and very small samples
Universal / Material Testing Machine
Manufacturer: TIRA GmbH
Model: TIRATEST 24100
Facility: Chair of Forest Utilization
evaluation of the technological properties of newly developed wood-based materials
Axio Lab Fluorescence Microscope (ALF)
Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: Axio Lab
Facility: Chair of Forest Utilization
microbiology, cytology; e.g. characterization of woodanatomical cell structures
X-ray densitometer
Manufacturer: Walesch Electronic GmbH
Model: DENDRO2003
Facility: Chair of Forest Utilization
high-resolution density structure analysis of tree rings
Discrete Photometry Analyzer AQ400
Manufacturer: Seal Analytical GmbH
Model: AQ400
Facility: Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology
photometric analysis of anions/ cations in aqueous samples
Microplate Reader
Manufacturer: Biotek
Model: Synergy HTX
Facility: Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology
wide range of applications in UV/VIS & fluorescence spectroscopy
Laser Diffraction Particle Analyzer
Manufacturer: Beckmann Coulter Corp.
Model: LS 200
Facility: Institute of Wood and Plant Chemistry
Laser Diffraction Particle Analysis