Technology Portal

Your access to research infrastructure and know-how

Help: How To

My Affiliation is Not Correct

Are you affiliated with the wrong institution / structural unit? Currently, setting the affiliation of a user does not work automatically in all cases since this information is only partly available. We will correct it - please let us know.

How To Change the Role/Permissions of a User?

Privileged users may change the role of another user within their own structural unit or some daughter unit. Follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to the platform.
  2. Go to the profile of the structural unit, which the user belongs to.
  3. Follow the link "Manage user accounts" at the bottom of the profile page of the unit/institute. You will only see this, if you have sufficient permissions.
  4. Now, you see the list of user accounts of the unit/institute at hand. Hereof, choose the account you want to modify using the link "Edit".
  5. Now, you can adjust the role of the user account as desired as well as other attributes. Click "Save" at the end.

What Does It Cost to Use This Portal?

Using this portal is free of charge for everyone. While searching this site is available to everyone, all other functionalities like booking are restricted to members only. All functionalities are free of charge for our members, as they contribute to the development and maintenance of this site paying the required membership fee.