Technology Portal

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Equipment of Department of Geosciences

Technische Universität Dresden
Results per page:

21 results


Spectral Photometer

Manufacturer: SHIMADZU
Facility: Institute of Geography

nitrite, orthophosphate, total phosphate colorimetric analysis


Ion Chromatograph

Manufacturer: Dionex (neu: Thermo Scientific)
Model: DX-120
Facility: Bodenkundliches Labor

"The Dionex DX-120 Ion Chromatograph performs isocratic ion analysis applications using conductivity detection." [www.thermofisher.com]


Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer

Manufacturer: Shimadzu Corp.
Facility: Bodenkundliches Labor

TOC / TN analyzer for the determination of total nitrogen via catalytic oxidation (suspension + catalytic oxidation).


Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)

Manufacturer: Analytik Jena AG
Model: AAS Vario 6
Facility: Bodenkundliches Labor

Atomic absorption spectrometer for the analysis of soil samples.


Binocular Eyetracking System

Manufacturer: Tobii
Model: X2-60
Facility: Chair of Geoinformatics


Wearable Binocular Eyetracking System

Manufacturer: Tobii
Model: Glasses 2
Facility: Chair of Geoinformatics