138 results
Manufacturer: MPI Mainz, Eigenbau
Facility: Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry
Synthetische Mikrowelle
Manufacturer: CEM
Model: Discover
Facility: Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry
Temperaturkontrollierte UV-Vis
Manufacturer: Perkin-Elmer
Model: PTP-1
Facility: Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry
HELOS Laserbeugungsspektrometer
Manufacturer: Sympatec GmbH System-Partikel-Technik
Model: HELOS (Helium-Neon Laser Optisches System)
Facility: Chair of Chemical Engineering
Simultaneuous Thermal Analysis
Manufacturer: Netzsch
Model: STA 409
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II
Differential scanning calorimeter
Manufacturer: Setaram
Model: DSC 111
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II