Technology Portal

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Equipment of Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry

Technische Universität Dresden
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138 results


Miniature Materials Tester

Manufacturer: Polymer Lab.
Facility: Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry


Synthetische Mikrowelle

Manufacturer: CEM
Model: Discover
Facility: Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry


Temperaturkontrollierte UV-Vis

Manufacturer: Perkin-Elmer
Model: PTP-1
Facility: Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry


HELOS Laserbeugungsspektrometer

Manufacturer: Sympatec GmbH System-Partikel-Technik
Model: HELOS (Helium-Neon Laser Optisches System)
Facility: Chair of Chemical Engineering


Simultaneuous Thermal Analysis

Manufacturer: Netzsch
Model: STA 409
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II


Differential scanning calorimeter

Manufacturer: Setaram
Model: DSC 111
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II


Arc melting decive

Manufacturer: self-made
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II