Transonic Turbines Cascade Wind Tunnel (TTGWK)
Basic Information
Name: | Transonic Turbines Cascade Wind Tunnel (TTGWK) | |
Facility: | Chair for Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion (TFA) | |
Partner: | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) |
Short Description
Transonic Turbines Cascade Wind Tunnel for the investigation of transonic turbine cascades at very low aspect ratios.
Transonic Turbines Cascade Wind Tunnel (TTGWK)
- Investigation of transonic turbine cascades at very low aspect ratios
- Inflow Mach number ~0.25 / Outflow Mach number up to ~1.2
- Access for optical measurement methods (for example, background Schlieren optics)
Test Section
- 10 or 6mm channel height
- 3 blades in the free stream
- Adjustable inlet incidence angle (±20°)
- Adjustable tailboards
- Optical accessibility for for different measurement systems
Flow characteristics
- High pressure tests up to 3 bar absolute inlet pressure
- Inlet Mach number ~0.25 (Re~5e5)
- Outlet Mach number up to ~1.2 (Re~1e6)
Link to Further Details
Points of Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ronald Mailach/ Mrs. C. Höntsch (Sec.)
+49 351 463-38181
+49 351 463-38182
(1) Diffusor with diameter of 105.3mm up to 310 mm
(2) Round to rectangular transition
(3) Settling chamber 310mm x 310mm
(4) Nozzle to an area of 108mm x 108mm
(5) Small nozzle to an area of 10 or 6mm x 108mm
Testrig with an inlet flow area of 10 or 6mm x 128.8mm at 0° incidence
Last Update
Last updated at: 26 January 2018 at 15:46:51