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Biomedical Services (BMS) (Facility)

Parent Units:
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
German name: "Abteilung für Biomedizinische Dienste (BMS)".


web: https://www.mpi-cbg.de/en/services-facilities/core-facilities/biomedical-services/services/
phone: +49 351 210-2550
fax: +49 351 210-1838
address: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Biomedical Services (BMS), Pfotenhauerstr. 108, 01307 Dresden, Germany
partner: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics


The Biomedical Services Facility (BMS) provides high standard services in the field of laboratory animal science.

Services include:

  • Animal husbandry
  • Colony management
  • Technical & experimental service
  • Health monitoring
  • Import & export of animals
  • Quarantine
  • Training

We are experts in genetically modified mouse colony management. The state-of-the-art building is one of the most modern rodent facilities in Europe, including features like multiple physical barriers, individually ventilated cages, fully computerized colony management, and highly standardized working procedures.

Three separate barrier units enable the BMS to house rodents with different microbiological backgrounds:

  1. The quarantine unit houses mice delivered from other institutes until they are “cleaned” by embryo transfer, and enables scientists to perform short-term experiments without having to wait for the embryo transfer.
  2. The experimental unit is the largest unit and holds most of the experimental mice of MPI-CBG. Mouse users have limited access to this area.
  3. The most secure unit is the SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) barrier unit. It is solely used to produce new transgenic, KO and KI mice, and access is limited to BMS and TCF (Transgenic Core Facility) staff members only.

BMS goes beyond the standard housing and husbandry of experimental animals. A full technical service including tissue biopsies, blood and organ collection, experimental procedures, and complete colony maintenance are offered. BMS also organizes training of experimental procedures for scientists and technical staff. All rodent colonies are daily updated to an in-house designed animal facility database PyRAT (Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH, Dresden, Germany), thus enabling scientists to see and modify all their research data on-line.


Parent Units

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) Institute view

Last Update

Last updated at: 2016-03-30 08:31 CEST