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Faculty of Agriculture/ Environment/ Chemistry (LUC)

Parent Units:
Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden)
German name: "Fakultät Landbau/ Umwelt/ Chemie (LUC)".


web: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/luc.html
email: e-mail
phone: +49 351 462-2761
fax: +49 351 462-2167
postal address: Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden), Faculty of Agriculture/ Environment/ Chemistry (LUC), Pillnitzer Platz 2, 01326 Dresden, Germany
office address: Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden), Faculty of Agriculture/ Environment/ Chemistry (LUC), Pillnitzer Platz 2 (Room P2-111), 01326 Dresden, Germany
partner: Dresden University of Applied Sciences


Der Campus liegt in Pillnitz in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zu unseren Versuchsflächen und zum Schloss Pillnitz. Die Lehrveranstaltungen in den Bereichen Landbau und Umwelt finden überwiegend in Pillnitz statt, zum Teil aber auch im Hauptgebäude der HTW in der Nähe des Hauptbahnhofs Dresden.

An der Fakultät Landbau/Umwelt/Chemie werden sowohl eigenfinanzierte Forschungsvorhaben durchgeführt als auch in großem Umfang Drittmittel-finanzierte F&E-Projekte sowie andere Vorhaben.



The campus is located in Pillnitz in the immediate vicinity of our testing area and Schloss Pillnitz palace. The courses in the agriculture and environment divisions take place predominantly in Pillnitz, but also partly in the main building of the HTW near the main station in Dresden. The chemical engineering study programmes are also based in the campus of the main buildings at Friedrich-List-Platz.

At the Faculty of Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry, research projects financed by ourselves are undertaken as well as R&D projects financed to a large extent by third-party funding and other projects.


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Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden) University view

Last Update

Last updated at: 2018-05-28 07:04