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web: https://www.uniklinikum-dresden.de/de/das-klinikum/kliniken-polikliniken-institute/hno/forschung/forschungslabor-gehoer
email: e-mail
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fax: +49 351 458-7369
address: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) / University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (UKD), Ear Research Center Dresden (ERCD), Fetscherstr. 74, 01307 Dresden, Germany
partner: Technische Universität Dresden
partner: University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden


The Ear Research Center Dresden (ERCD) is an interdisciplinary lab of engineers, scientists and physicians at the Clinic and Policlinic of ORL-HNS (Technische Universitaet Dresden, Faculty of Medicine) who are engaged in research of middle ear mechanics and development of therapeutic strategies for hearing impaired patients. Since 1993 laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV) measurements and finite element modelling (FEM) are used to investigate the normal and diseased middle ear. The long-lasting and close cooperation between experienced surgeons and specialized engineers enabled valuable scientific contributions in the field of basic and applied research over the last years.

The lab received International attention with initiating and hosting the first international symposium on middle ear mechanics in research and otology (MEMRO) in 1996.


Our research priorities are:

Sound transfer in the normal and diseased middle ear 
Development of prosthetic devices for ossicular reconstruction 
Development and evaluation of active middle ear implants 
Development and evaluation of devices for medical diagnostics and therapy (Monitoring systems for quality control and real-time feedback in middle ear surgery; Middle ear diagnostics with OCT) 
Regenerative medicine in middle ear diseases


Methods used are:

Laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV) 
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) 
Finite Element modelling (FEM) 
Animal models for middle ear diseases and bone regeneration


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Parent Units

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Institute and Outpatient Clinics of Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine (HNO) Clinic view

Last Update

Last updated at: 2019-02-04 09:29