Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List" (VKW)
Parent Units:Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
German name: "Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften "Friedrich List" (VKW)".
web: | https://tu-dresden.de/bu/verkehr | |
email: | ||
phone: | +49 351 463-36660 | |
fax: | +49 351 463-36666 | |
postal address: | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List" (VKW), 01062 Dresden, Germany | |
office address: | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List" (VKW), Hettnerstraße 1/3 (Gerhart-Potthoff-Bau, Raum 153), 01069 Dresden, Germany | |
partner: | Technische Universität Dresden |
Die Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften "Friedrich List" ist das größte akademische Kompetenzzentrum auf dem Gebiet der Verkehrswissenschaften in Deutschland mit einer seit über 60 Jahren in Dresden beheimateten universitären Forschung und Lehre. Mit ihrem komplexen systemwissenschaftlichen Ansatz orientiert sie sich an der Komplexität des Transport- und Nachrichtenwesens und trägt damit den dynamischen Herausforderungen der Verkehrsmärkte Rechnung. Sie leistet mit ihrem interdisziplinären Lehr- und Forschungsverbund aus Verkehrsökonomie, Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Verkehrsinfrastruktur und Verkehrsmitteltechnik einen wichtigen Beitrag für die nachhaltige Entwicklung aller Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme zur Erfüllung der stetig wachsenden Mobilitätsbedürfnisse der Gesellschaft.
We orientate towards the complexity of traffic and circulation processes through our inter-disciplinary profile and tribute to the dynamic challenges of transport and communications markets - on the way to a sustainable development of all means of transport, communications and infrastructure systems. We are very proud of our about 30 chairs, which work together in 10 institutes, forming a research and education cooperation in transport and communications economics, traffic engineering, infrastructure planning and vehicle construction. This great variety obtains the ability to cover a lot of spheres of our scientific area. Therefore, we are the largest academic centre of traffic and circulation sciences in Germany. Our working area extends from basic innovation research to scientific accompaniment of projects, real condition experiments and applied scientific tasks in successful cooperation with well known research and practise partners. As well as transport and communications itself, our actions don't end at nations borders. By international orientation, projects and cooperation with scientific institutions and practise partners from all over the world we get a lot of reputation - corresponding to our demand of an innovative and forward-looking research and education institution.
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View services (8)Affiliations
Parent Units
name |
type |
actions |
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) | University | view |
Daughter Units
name |
type |
instruments |
services |
Dresden Institute of Automobile Engineering (IAD) | Institute | (10) | |
Institute for Transport and Economics (IVW) | Institute | (1) | (1) |
Institute of Logistics and Aviation (ILA) | Institute | (2) | (1) |
Institute of Railway Systems and Public Transport (IBV) | Institute | (1) | (4) |
Institute of Railway Vehicles and Railway Technology (IBB) | Institute | ||
Institute of Traffic Telematics | Institute | (2) | (1) |
Institute of Transport Planning and Road Traffic | Institute | (1) | (2) |
Last Update
Last updated at: 2017-06-12 09:09 CEST