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Open Access Database "Zebrafish CreZoo" with novel CreERT2 driver lines

Basic Information

Name: Open Access Database "Zebrafish CreZoo" with novel CreERT2 driver lines
Facility: Patterning and Regeneration of the Vertebrate Brain
Partner: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)


Recently we established a new open access database, the zebrafish CreZoo (http://crezoo.crt-dresden.de), which contains novel CreERT2-driver lines that express CreERT2 in several tissues.

The database contains a helpful set of CreERT2 driver lines expressing in various regions of the developing and adult zebrafish. The lines have been generated via the insertion of a mCherry-T2A-CreERT2 in a gene trap approach or by using promoter fragments driving CreERT2. Insertions were identified and can be maintained by native mCherry fluorescence.


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Last Update

Last updated at: 13 July 2017 at 11:54:16