74 results
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)
Manufacturer: Philips
Model: XL 30
Facility: Chair of Biomaterials
Rasterelektronenmikroskop zur Untersuchung von Oberflächen von biologischen Materialien.
Moisture Analyzer
Manufacturer: Radwag
Model: Feuchtebestimmer MA 60.3Y
Facility: Chair of Biomaterials
Manufacturer: Paddelttherm
Model: TC 405/20
Facility: Chair of Biomaterials
Manufacturer: Bertin Technologies
Model: Precellyser 24
Facility: Chair of Biomaterials
Micro Computed Tomography
Manufacturer: SancoMedical
Model: vivaCT 75
Facility: Chair of Biomaterials
Sand blaster
Manufacturer: Barth
Model: Uni 328 combi
Facility: Chair of Biomaterials