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Equipment of CRTD - Center for Regenerative Therapies TU Dresden (CRTD)

CRTD - Center for Regenerative Therapies TU Dresden (CRTD)

institutions: this unit(0), daughter units(70),

tags:Cell Analyzer(4), Cell Sorter(4), imaging(2)

Results per page:

70 results


Einfriergerät / Freezer / Ice Cube

Manufacturer: SY-LAB Geräte GmbH
Model: 14S
Facility: Good Manufacturing Practice


CliniMACS Cell Processing Platform / Magnetic Cell Separator

Manufacturer: Miltenyi Biotec GmbH
Model: CliniMACS Prodigy®
Facility: Good Manufacturing Practice


Countess™ Zellzähler / Automated Cell Counter

Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Model: Invitrogen™ Countess™
Facility: Good Manufacturing Practice


BD LSR II Flow Cytometry Cell Analyzer (3 laser)

Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson (BD™)
Model: LSR II
Facility: Flow Cytometry


Amnis ImageStream®X Mark II Imaging Flow Cytometer

Manufacturer: Amnis Corp. (now: EMD Millipore)
Model: ImageStreamX Mark II
Facility: Flow Cytometry


Thermal evaporator

Manufacturer: Kurt J. Lesker Company®
Model: NANO 36™
Facility: Microstructure Facility


Hot Plate

Manufacturer: Electronic Micro Systems Ltd
Model: EMS 1000-1
Facility: Microstructure Facility


BD LSR II Flow Cytometry Cell Analyzer (4 laser)

Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson (BD™)
Model: LSR II
Facility: Flow Cytometry


BD FACS Calibur™ Cell Analyzer and Cell Sorter

Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson (BD™)
Model: FACS Calibur™
Facility: Flow Cytometry


MACSQuant Flow Cytometer

Manufacturer: Miltenyi Biotec GmbH
Model: MACSQuant® Analyzer 10
Facility: Flow Cytometry