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Equipment of Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

Technische Universität Dresden

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9 results



Manufacturer: Cryogenic Ltd.
Model: unknown
Facility: Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

Magnetometer zur Messung magnetischer Flussdichten.


Coating Thickness Gauge

Manufacturer: PHYNIX GmbH & Co. KG
Model: Surfix F basic
Facility: Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

The Surfix® E-F allows the non-destructive coating thickness measurement on iron or steel, ie on a ferromagnetic base material, with the magnet-inductive measuring method...


Defectometer for portable crack testing (eddy current device)

Manufacturer: Dr. Foerster GmbH & Co.KG
Model: 2.837
Facility: Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

The DEFECTOMETER is a modern, highly sensitive eddy current test instrument for manual crack testing.


X-Ray Diffractometer

Manufacturer: Bruker Inc.
Model: D8 Discover
Facility: Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

Diffraktometer vom Typ Bruker D8 mit Kupfer-Röntgenröhre. Es besitzt ein horizontales Goniometer in Parallelstrahlgeometrie. Ein Göbelspiegel wird zur Strahlformung und Monochromatisierung eingesetzt.


Portable Industrial X-Ray Generator

Manufacturer: Agfa NDT Pantak Seifert GmbH & Co. KG (heute: GE Company)
Model: Eresco MF42
Facility: Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

"Reliable, lightweight, portable x-ray Generator. The robust construction of the control and the tube heads make them suitable for hostile environments."


Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with coupled EBSD technology and KOSSEL processing

Facility: Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

Im Röntgenographischen Speziallabor ist in einem multifunktionalen System die EBSD-Technik gemeinsam mit dem KOSSEL-Verfahren in einem REM gekoppelt worden.


Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

Manufacturer: GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH
Model: USM Go
Facility: Working Group for Physical Materials Diagnostics

The USM Go combines a thickness gauge and a flaw detector in one single lightweight instrument.