12 results
Tube Furnace with Sourcemeter und Nanovoltmeter
Manufacturer: Tektronix GmbH / Keithley
Model: 2611A / 2182A
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials
Tube Furnace with Multimeter for Resistance 2- or 4-wire
Manufacturer: Tektronix GmbH / Keithley
Model: 2750
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials
Impulsmessgerät / Impulse Measurement Instrument
Manufacturer: Grindosonic (Fa. J.W. Lemmens)
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials
Helium Leckdetektor / Helium Leak Detector
Manufacturer: Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH
Model: PHOENIXL 300
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials
Ultraschallmessgerät für Materialuntersuchungen / Ultrasonic Measuring Instrument
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials
Hot Hardness Tester / Heißhärteprüfanlage
Manufacturer: Inhouse Development (Fraunhofer IKTS)
Model: Inhouse Development
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials
Testing Machine INSTRON for high-temperature measurements
Manufacturer: Instron GmbH
Model: Instron
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials
Micro Indenter (MHT)
Manufacturer: CSM Instruments SA / Anton Paar GmbH
Model: MHT
Facility: Mechanical Testing of Materials