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Equipment of Central Units

Technische Universität Dresden
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325 results


UPLC System

Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
Model: Dionex3000 Ultimate Microflow
Facility: Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics

Microflow UPLC System for commonly equipped with C18/C8/C4 reversed phase columns.


Impact HD QTOF Mass Spectrometer

Manufacturer: Bruker GmbH
Model: Impact HD QTOF
Facility: Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics

High resolution hybrid quadrupole - time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer (R(max): 40,000 at m/z 1522) with MS/MS option by quadrupole CID with high resolution detection.


Eksigent 425 UPLC

Manufacturer: AB Sciex LLC
Model: Eksigent 425 UPLC
Facility: Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics

UPLC für Nano-Flow and Microflow


LTQ-Orbitrap XL ETD Mass Spectrometer

Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
Model: LTQ-Orbitrap XL ETD
Facility: Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics

High resolution hybrid mass spectrometer (R(max): 120,000 at m/z 400) with the following MS/MS options: CID with detection in iontrap (low res., MSn capability) or orbitrap (high res.),...


Q-Exactive HF Mass Spectrometer

Manufacturer: ThermoFisherScientific GmbH
Model: Q-Exactive HF
Facility: Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics

Q-Exactive HF High resolution hybrid quadrupole - orbitrap mass spectrometer


Suspension mass cytometer

Manufacturer: Fluidigm Corp.
Model: CyTOF2
Facility: Suspension mass cytometry


UV-visible spectrophotometer

Manufacturer: Varian Inc. (now: Agilent Technologies)
Model: Cary 100
Facility: Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology


Fluorescence Spectrometer

Manufacturer: ThermoScientific
Model: NanoDrop 3300
Facility: Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology