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Thermal conductivity measurements

Basic Information

Name: Thermal conductivity measurements
Facility: Chair of Thermodynamics
Partner: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

Short Description

Measurement of the specific thermal conductivity of solids, powders and liquids using various methods


Various methods are available at the Chair for measuring thermal conductivity.

1. Hot plate method

  • Hot plate apparatus based on DIN EN 12664
  • Surface temperatures and heat flow are measured in steady state
  • Determination of the effective thermal conductivity of homogeneous and inhomogeneous samples
  • Measurement is carried out in a climatic chamber under defined conditions

Technical data

Samples: Solids plate-shaped with plane-parallel surfaces
Sample dimensions: Area depending on heat flow plates at least:
                                 - 30 mm x 100 mm
                                 - 120 mm x 120 mm
                                 - 250 mm x 250 mm
Sample thickness depending on thermal conductivity > 10 mm
Temperature range: -10 °C to 60 °C
Measuring accuracy: ±6 % for Styrodur reference (≈0.035 W m−1 K−1)

2. Hot wire method

  • non steady state measurement with hot wire for heat supply and measurement of the temperature change
  • Determination of thermal conductivity from analytical solution of the heat conduction equation assuming a line source in the infinitely volume

Technical data

Samples: powders, bulk solids, liquids, solids (after solidification around the probe)
Sample dimensions: Cylindrical measuring container - diameter 50 mm
                                                                             - Height 200 mm
Temperature range: -10 °C to 60 °C
Measuring accuracy: ±5 to ±10 %

3. Applied Precision Isomet 2114

  • non steady state commercial device for measuring thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity
  • Needle probe for powders, bulk solids, solids and surface probe for solids
  • Measurement performed in a climatic chamber under defined conditions

Technical data

Samples: powders, bulk solids, solids
Sample dimensions: Insertion probe - diameter min. 40 mm
                                                     - Height min. 80 mm
                                Contact probe - diameter min. 60 mm
                                                     - Thickness min. 40 mm
Temperature range: -20 °C to 70 °C
Measuring accuracy: ±5 % in the range 0.015 to 0.70 W m−1 K−1
                               ±10 % in the range 0.7 to 6.0 W m−1 K−1

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Types of Service

Points of Contact

Dr. rer. nat. Glorius, Maja
+49 351 463 34079
+49 351 463 37105
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Breitkopf/ Mrs. C. Funk (Secretary)
+49 351 463-34711
+49 351 463-37105

Last Update

Last updated at: 21 May 2024 at 07:16:11