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Equipment of Central Units

Technische Universität Dresden
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325 results


High-Performance Computer (HPC-Cluster) Taurus

Manufacturer: Bull (Atos Information Technology GmbH)
Model: HRSK-II
Facility: Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing

High-Performance Computer (HPC) for highly parallel and data intensive HPC applications.


Statisches Plattendruckgerät (PDG)

Manufacturer: HMP Magdeburger Prüfgerätebau GmbH
Model: DIN 18 134
Facility: Pavement Laboratory



Manufacturer: Bohle AG
Model: GlassBuddy Basic
Facility: Prüfhalle


contact angle measuring instrument

Manufacturer: KRÜSS GmbH
Model: MobileDrop
Facility: Kleblabor


Raman analysis system

Manufacturer: PerkinElmer Inc.
Model: RamanStation 400
Facility: Kleblabor


SUN-Test UV-test chamber

Manufacturer: Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC
Facility: Kleblabor


Laser Scanning Mikroskop (LSM)

Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
Model: Zeiss LSM 5 Exciter
Facility: Kleblabor


Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
Model: Zeiss EVO 10
Facility: Kleblabor


Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)

Manufacturer: NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH
Model: DSC 204 F1 Phoenix
Facility: Kleblabor


Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer

Manufacturer: NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH
Model: DMA 242 C
Facility: Kleblabor