3569 results
Structure unit: 200 mm MEMS-Cleanroom
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Structure unit: Analytics and Metrology
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)
Exact and highly relevant matches appear near the top of the list.
Case Sensitivity
The case of your input is neglected.
Example: searching for speed
or spEED
will yield the same results.
Enclose your input in double quotes in order to search for a phrase, i.e., to search for all of your words in the given order.
Example: "max planck"
Multiple Words
If your input consists of multiple words, the documents returned will contain some of your words,
because multiple words are implicitly connected by OR
If you want to search for documents containing all of your words, specify AND
Please note that the connecting operators must be specified in capital letters only.
Example: infrared AND scanner
Optional and Compulsory Search Terms
By default, the documents returned will contain some of your words, but not necessarily all of them
(see also "Multiple Words" above).
Specify +
in order to strictly require the given word to be contained in the documents returned.
In contrast, -
excludes results that contain the given word.
Example: max +temperature -planck
Fuzzy Suggest
Switch on this option in order to receive broader, more vague suggestions that are likely relevant to your input but do not match exactly. This turns out to be of particular use if you spell incorrectly.
Example: Searching for spectroscopy
will suggest all sorts of spectroscopy and scopes.
Example: Searching for atomic force microscope
will also suggest other types of microscopes such as
"fluorescence microscope".
Wildcard searches can be run on individual terms:
indicates zero or more unknown characters.
Example: transport*
matches everything that has the prefix "transport".
Color Legend
This instrument can be used as an stand-alone device and is available for independent use. Please note possible requirements for access.
This instrument can be used with the support of a supervising assistant.
This instrument is used within a service or research collaboration.
This instrument is no longer in use and therefor available for transfer/ purchase.
Genaue und relevante Übereinstimmungen erscheinen im oberen Bereich.
Die Groß- oder Kleinschreibung ist für die Suche nicht relevant.
Beispiel: Die Suche nach High Speed
oder hIGH spEED
führt zu gleichen Ergebnissen.
Wenn Sie eine Wortgruppe in Anführungszeichen setzen, erhalten Sie nur solche Ergebnisse, auf denen die Wörter in der gleichen Form und in der gleichen Reihenfolge wie innerhalb der Anführungszeichen vorkommen.
Beispiel: "max planck"
Mehrere Wörter
Mehrere Worte können Sie mit "und" (AND
) bzw. "oder" (OR
) verknüpfen.
Bitte beachten: für die Operatoren bitte nur Großbuchstaben verwenden.
Beispiel: infrared AND scanner
Optionale Suchoperatoren
Sie können auch folgende Operatoren zu Suche verwenden.
Dieses Wort soll in den Suchergebnissen vorhanden sein.
Wenn Sie einen Bindestrich vor einem Wort platzieren, werden die Ergebnisse entfernt, welche dieses Wort enthalten.
Beispiel: max +temperature -planck
Fehlertolerante Suchvorschläge
Bei zuschalten dieser Option, werden auch nicht genau übereinstimmende Suchanfragen vorgeschlagen. Das ist besonders bei einer fehlerhaften Schreibweise von Nutzen.
Beispiel: Die Eingabe von mikkroscopy
bringt die passenden Suchvorschläge wie z.B. 'microscopy'.
Platzhalter können bei der Suche ein einzelnes (?
) oder mehrere Zeichen
Beispiel: mi?rosco*
This instrument can be used as an stand-alone device and is available for independent use. Please note possible requirements for access.
This instrument can be used with the support of a supervising assistant.
This instrument is used within a service or research collaboration.
This instrument is no longer in use and therefor available for transfer/ purchase.
This instrument can be used as an stand-alone device and is available for independent use. Please note possible requirements for access.
This instrument can be used with the support of a supervising assistant.
This instrument is used within a service or research collaboration.
This instrument is no longer in use and therefor available for transfer/ purchase.