Institute of Applied Physics (IAP)
Parent Units:Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
German name: "Institut für Angewandte Physik (IAP)".

web: | | |
email: | ||
phone: | +49 351 463-34389 | |
fax: | +49 351 463-37065 | |
postal address: | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), 01062 Dresden, Germany | |
office address: | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), Nöthnitzer Straße 61 (Hermann-Krone-Bau, Raum 2.11), 01187 Dresden, Germany | |
partner: | Technische Universität Dresden |
Die Forschungsthemen befassen sich vorwiegend mit festkörperphysikalischen Fragestellungen. Untersucht werden neue Materialien wie organische Halbleiter, Multiferroika u.a. mit einer breiten Palette von Methoden, insbesondere elektrische Messungen, optische Spektroskopie bis in den Femtosekundenbereich und Rastersondenmethoden.
Our research topics are mainly in the field of solid state physics. We investigate new materials such as organic semiconductors, multiferroics etc. with a wide range of methods, in particular electrical measurements, optical spectroscopy down to the femtosecond range, and scanning probe methods. By joint appointments, topics like biophotonics, computational materials modelling, quantum optica and THz spectroscopy are added. Unique is that our researcher ranges from knowledge-oriented basic research to applications, also in close collaboration with spin-off companies and industry.
Parent Units
name |
type |
actions |
Faculty of Physics | Faculty | ![]() |
Daughter Units
name |
type |
instruments |
services |
Center for Applied Photonic (ZAP) | Center | ||
Chair for BioNanoTools "Molecular Transport in Cell Biology and Genetics" (Diez Group) | Professorship | ||
Chair for Optoelectronics | Professorship |
Chair for Organic Photovoltaics | Professorship | ||
Chair for Organic Semiconductors | Professorship | ||
Chair for Quantum Optics | Professorship | ||
Chair for Semiconductor Spectroscopy | Professorship | ||
Chair of Experimental Physics / Photophysics | Professorship |
Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology ( | Professorship |
Chair of Semiconductor Physics (HLP) | Professorship |
Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) | Center |
Last Update
Last updated at: 2019-08-23 09:59 CEST