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Equipment of Light Microscopy (LMF)

Light Microscopy (LMF)

institutions: this unit(23), daughter units(0),

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23 results


Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscope (MZ1 - Zeiss 2photon upright)

Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: Axio Examiner.Z1
Facility: Light Microscopy


Single Plane Illumination Microscope (LZ2 - Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1)

Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: LightSheet LZ1 Stand
Facility: Light Microscopy


Single Plane Illumination Microscope (LZ1 - Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1)

Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: LightSheet LZ1 Stand
Facility: Light Microscopy


Wide-Field Microscope (L4 - Long Term Time Lapse Oates Andor)

Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: Axiovert 200M
Facility: Light Microscopy


Superresolution Microscope (H2 - Nikon STORM - TIRF)

Manufacturer: Nikon
Model: Eclipse Ti
Facility: Light Microscopy


Superresolution Microscope (H1 - DeltaVision OMX - pDV)

Manufacturer: Applied Precision
Model: OMX stand
Facility: Light Microscopy