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Equipment of Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
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1532 results


Elemental Analyzer C/S Max

Manufacturer: Seifert Instruments GmbH, Maitenbeth, Bayern
Model: C/S Max
Facility: Institut für Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft

By thermal digestion, the sample-specific element contents of sulphur and carbon can be determined by application of the elemental analyzer.


LC-MS-System (Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer) with high resolution mass spectrometer for accurate mass determination

Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies
Model: Q-TOF MS 6538 / HPLC 1260
Facility: Chair of Bioanalytical Chemistry

LC-MS System bestehend aus HPLC 1260 und Q-TOF MS 6538 von Agilent Technologies.


FT-RAMAN-Spectrometer with microscope

Manufacturer: Bruker Corp.
Model: RFS 100
Facility: Chair of Bioanalytical Chemistry

"Raman spectroscopy allows the identification of unknown substances. Measurements are conducted in seconds and unambiguous identification results are obtained searching databases."[www.bruker.com]


Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Manufacturer: Veeco Instruments
Model: Dimension 3100
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

Atomic Force Microscope for the recording of images to determine the surface structure.


500 MHz NMR Spectrometer

Manufacturer: Bruker Biospin AG
Model: Avance III HDX
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Molecular Chemistry

This high resolution NMR spectrometer system is a 500 MHz Ascend magnet equipped with a BBO(F) Prodigy CryoProbe (frequency area: 31P - 109Ag) controlled by a three channel Avance III HDX console.


400 MHz NMR Spectrometer

Manufacturer: Bruker Biospin AG
Model: AVANCE III HD Nanobay
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Molecular Chemistry

This NMR spectrometer is a 400 MHz Ultra Shield magnet equipped with a BBFO probe (frequency area: 31P - 109Ag) and is controlled by an Avance III HD Nanobay console.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR-Spectrometer 300 MHz

Manufacturer: Bruker Corporation
Model: Avance 300 MHz WB
Facility: Chair of Bioanalytical Chemistry


Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer (SC-XRD)

Manufacturer: Rigaku Oxford Diffraction
Model: SuperNova
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Molecular Chemistry

The SuperNova single crystal diffraction instrument (Rigaku Oxford Diffraction) is equipped with two micro focus X-ray sources. Both, copper and molybdenum X-ray sources are available.


Single crystal X-ray diffractometer

Manufacturer: Bruker-AXS
Model: Kappa Apex-II
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II


X-ray powder diffractometer X'Pert

Manufacturer: Panalytical
Model: X'Pert Pro MPD
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II