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Equipment of Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS)

Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS)
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88 results



Manufacturer: Aerotech GmbH
Model: HEX500-350HL
Facility: Chair of Large Area Laser Based Surface Structuring


Volumetric gas adsorption system with closed cycle He cryostat

Manufacturer: MicrotrackBEL + Advanced Research Solutions (ARS)
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

The system is devoted to low and high pressure (1 kPa – 8 MPa) gas physisorption measurements in the temperature range 5 – 450 K.


Powder X-ray diffraction system STADI

Manufacturer: Stoe & CIE GmbH
Model: STOE Stadi P
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

High precision X-ray powder diffraction system with two goniometers sharing one X-ray source.


Closed Cycle Cryostat für X-Ray diffraction CS202

Manufacturer: Advanced Research Solutions (ARS)
Model: BELSORP-max / ARS CS202
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

The cryostat is a part of in-house developed automated system, allowed to measure PXRD patterns in situ during the adsorption and desorption of non-corrosive gases in the temperature range 10 – 298 ±0


6-Port volumetric physisorption instrument

Manufacturer: MicrotrackBEL Corp.
Model: BELSORP-max
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

The instrumentation consists of two BELSORP-max volumetric Adsorption instruments, which allow to perform the physisorption measurements on the porous materials using non-corrosive gases and vapours.


Small Angle X-ray Scattering Diffractor (SAXS)

Manufacturer: Bruker Corporation
Model: Nanostar
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

Small Angle X-ray Scattering Diffractor for the characterization of nanostructures ranging from 1 nm to roughly 125 nm, and nanostructured surfaces.


Adsorption Analyzer / Optical Calorimeter

Manufacturer: Fraunhofer IWS / Rubotherm GmbH
Model: InfraSORP
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

The optical calorimeter utilizes the heat released in the adsorption of n-butanes at 298 K to estimate the inner surfaces and the absorption capacity of a porous material.


Gas Adsorption Analyzer (BET)

Manufacturer: MicrotracBEL Corp.
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

Gas Adsorption Analyzer for the volumetric determination of the adsorption of CO2, O2, N2, H2, CH4 and non - corrosive gases at room temperature or 77 K in the pressure range from 10-3 to 135 bar.


Gas Adsorption Analyzer (BET)

Manufacturer: Quantachrom GmbH & Co. KG
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

Premier, high performance, single, dual or triple port surface area and pore size analyzer.


Low Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Manufacturer: Mettler-Toledo GmbH
Model: DSC1
Facility: Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I

Determination of thermodynamic properties like degradation, phase change, melting point, crystallisation, polymerisation, oxidation or specific heat capacity.