Light Microscopy Zeiss Zeiss Axio Imager KMAT und Axio Imager.A1m
Basic Information
Name: | Light Microscopy | |
Manufacturer: | Zeiss | |
Model: | Zeiss Axio Imager KMAT und Axio Imager.A1m | |
Facility: | Analytics and Metrology of the 300 mm CMOS Cleanroom | |
Partner: | Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) |
Full wafer light microscopy allows images of the whole wafer. Vacuum mounting for 200 mm and 300 mm wafers ensures best handling and stable acquisition of images. Automatic data acquisition of predefined wafer areas or the full wafer is done with automatic stage movement and z-direction stacks (EDF function). Magnifications reaching from 2.5x (overview) up to 150x are possible. The extended focus function allows sharp images even of specimens with very high topologies. Dedicated areas (zoom) and position recognition is also available.
- Bright field / Dark field / Differential
- Interference Contrast in circularly polarized light (C-DIC)
- 200/300 mm wafers, smaller pieces
- Motorized focus drive (5nm) and motorized x-y-scanning stage
- Zeiss Axio Imager KMAT
- Axio Imager.A1m
Link to Further Details
Points of Contact
Dr. Nora Haufe
+49 351 26 07-3020
This is an instrument within the Dresden Fraunhofer Cluster Nanoanalysis (DFCNA).
Associated Services
Name | Preview | Actions |
Analytics and Metrology |
Last Update
Last updated at: 20 December 2024 at 14:17:36