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X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscope (XPS) PHI Quantes Scanning XPS/HAXPES Microprobe

Basic Information

Name: X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscope (XPS)
Manufacturer: PHI Quantes Scanning XPS/HAXPES Microprobe
Facility: Analytics and Metrology of the 300 mm CMOS Cleanroom
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is a quantitative technique that probes the chemistry of a material. When the X-ray source impinges a sample, electrons are excited by the photoelectric effect. The energies of the photoelectrons ejected are analyzed to obtain information on the chemical state and elemental composition of a sample. We offer a unique lab-based combination of monochromatic X-ray sources: a soft X-ray source (Aluminium Kα) and a high energy X-ray source (HAXPES using Cr Kα) for a wider range of analysis needs. The Cr Kα source offers a wider measurement range and a deeper analysis depth of about 3 times larger than with the Al Kα source. In addition, using Cr Kα, depth profiling of buried layers can be achieved without the need for ion beam sputtering, thereby avoiding ion-based degradation.

The X-ray excitation sources‘ beam sizes can be focused between 7 and 200 μm in diameter, giving way to microprobe analysis where points, lines, and mapping areas can be defined. Angle and sputter profiling depth analysis determines material composition across layer stacks or bulk material. Sample imaging using the X-ray sources is possible to create SEM-like images for the analysis of structured and inhomogeneous surfaces. In addition, in-situ XPS temperature dependent measurements can be performed in the range: -120 °C to +300 °C.



  • Dual monochromatic excitation: AlKα and CrKα x-ray sources
  • Unique depth profiling capabilities
  • Define various analysis areas down to tens of microns in size
  • Structured sample analysis with the help of x-ray induced secondary electron imaging (SXI)
  • In-situ temperature dependent measurements
  • Determination of chemical composition

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This is an instrument within the Dresden Fraunhofer Cluster Nanoanalysis (DFCNA).

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Last Update

Last updated at: 20 December 2024 at 13:27:54