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Raman Spectroscopy Renishaw Invia Reflex

Basic Information

Name: Raman Spectroscopy
Manufacturer: Renishaw
Model: Invia Reflex
Facility: Analytics and Metrology of the 300 mm CMOS Cleanroom
Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)


Raman spectroscopy utilizes inelastic scattering of laser light to locally excite and image characteristic vibrational modes in a material. This scattering process involves the excitation or decay of characteristic vibrations of chemical bonds. As a result Raman spectroscopy can be used for the analysis of the orientation, phase and composition of a material as well as or lateral resolved stress and temperature mappings. Our tools allow for a lateral resolution down to 300 nm. Different lasers allow us to vary the surface sensitivity, varying the integration depth from only a few nanometers to a few micrometers.



  • Stress maps of trenches (top down & cross section)
  • Laterally resolved temperature measurements
  • Laterally resolved phase analysis

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Analytics and Metrology

Last Update

Last updated at: 20 December 2024 at 14:20:13